Ralph Bürgin (*1980 Basel, lives in Basel, Switzerland) studied at the Academy of Art and Design in Zurich and Basel, where he graduated in 2018 with a Master in Fine Arts. The painter and sculptor lives in Basel and works in his studio in France (Alsace).
Bürgin’s practice investigates such wide-reaching and universal themes as the human condition and the interaction of mankind and nature.
Ralph Bürgin was recently awarded with the Alexander Clavel Stiftung award in Switzerland, and his works have been on view at Kunsthaus Pasquart in Biel in 2022, as well as at Kunsthalle Zurich and Kunsthaus Baselland in 2023.
Recent solo exhibitions include The Great Escape at Livie Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland, 2023 (with publication), Watching a Peaceful River at Galerie Barbara Seiler, Zurich, Switzerland, 2020, La place at Centre culturel suisse, Paris, France, 2019; and Pieces and Shadows at Kunstverein Diessenhofen, Switzerland, 2017. Ralph Bürgin’s work has been included in numerous group exhibitions, including 2023 at Kunsthalle Zurich and Kunsthaus Baselland, 2022 at Kunsthaus Pasquart, 2021 at Wilde Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland; 2018 at Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, Switzerland; 2016 at Ping/Pong, Basel/Miami, Los Angeles, USA; 2014 in “Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Werkbeiträge 2013” at Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland.
In 2019, a publication was dedicated to the artist as part of the Cahier d’Artistes series published by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, with a text by Felicity Lunn. The artist has also realized several projects in public spaces, including Gasträume 2020 in Zurich, curated by Christoph Doswald, and “I, You, You, Me, We” at Heuwaage in Basel, Switzerland in 2022, initiated by Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt in collaboration with the Department of Construction and Transport.
For inquiries, please contact us directly per email or phone:
Marie Livie | marie@liviegallery.com | +41 78 647 2122
Image 1: Ralph Bürgin, The Great Escape, installation view at Livie Gallery, Zurich, 2023
Image 2: Ralph Bürgin in front of grey nude in his studio, photo: Ralph Bürgin


Discover the catalogue which was published on the occasion of our first solo show with Ralph Bürgin titled The Great Escape, which was on view from February 10 to March 24, 2023. With an exhibition text by Chus Martínez.
Mitchell Anderson writes about our exhibition THE GREAT ESCAPE with works by Ralph Bürgin in the Reading Rämistrasse #112. “Each of the ten paintings in Ralph Bürgin’s beguiling exhibition The Great Escape share renderings of a human profile which has been lifted off the shoulders of the central figure in Oskar Schlemmer’s Fünf Figuren im […]
Mechthild Heuser writes about our exhibition EMBODIMENTS with works by Ralph Bürgin, Sofía Durrieu and Roman Gysin in the June 2022 issue of Kunstbulletin. “Entblössen, Verkleiden, Performen – das ist der Aktionsradius, den die Zürcher Galerie Livie Fine Art mit drei Positionen von Künstler:innen um die Vierzig in der aktuellen Ausstellung absteckt. Dabei entstehen Konfrontationen, […]